Friday, January 28, 2011

Movie Review: LOTR Fellowship

If I had to pick a place to tour outside of Asia, it would be New Zealand, the home of humans, elves, orcs and dwarves. Everytime I rewatch The Fellowship of the Ring, I think of the death of Boromir and the foolishness of humans. Have I told you that I think humans are evil beings, and that if we were elves, our world would be a better place. Man I loved the elves in this movie. They were highly skilled in combat, elegant in their ways, smart, and long lived. Legolas is my favourite elf. I love him not only because he's highly skilled, but also because he's uncorrupted/innocent. Many would argue that they like Aragon more, and I cannot disagree that Aragon was a very likeable character. But the edge has to go to Legolas because he's always available. The guy gets women like you don't believe, but unlike in Troy, he's not corrupted in this movie. The guy is pure in this movie. No distraction equals better concentration. The guy is a bulls eye when it comes to archery. I cannot imagine having to fight against him in a projectile combat. His arrows would pierce through your vest like a wasp sting on your skin. Anyways, I'd also like to comment on the elf chick (Aragon's future wife). This chick is very beautiful, but also very stupid. Long live the immortals I say. Anyways, I have one more thing to add, and that is, Gandalf is imba. The old guy with a staff can take down a fiery hell demon. There's not much more to say for now, because I need to save some topics for the sequels which I will update sooner than later. Overall, this movie deserves a 9, and Legolas deserves a hot wife.

Movie Review: Troy

Just watched Troy for the first time since 2004. I recalled how much I hated Orlando Bloom in that movie. Not only because he was a pimp and a coward, but also because he killed the hottest guy on earth with arrows. Then I realized something. Wait a minute. Orlando Bloom. Arrows. LEGOLAS!!! I immediately started cheering for Orlando Bloom. But yeah. How come Brad Pitt dies in so many of his movies? Troy, Fight Club, Benjamin Button, etc. You would think someone as big of a star as Brad Pitt would have a higher chance of survival. An extreme case would be Tom Cruise. That guy never dies. Anyways, just wanted to say that the movie had a lot of dumb people in it, but Brad Pitt somehow managed to make the movie entertaining. P.S. I loved the line by Boromir "Women complicates things" - he was one of the few brighter dudes. I'm starting to like that actor now. He plays a lot of villian roles but I totally loved him in Troy. I mean, what kind of a dumbass would think of making a giant wooden horse and hide people in it, and what kind of dumbasses would fall for it. If you haven't seen the movie yet, don't watch it unless you are looking for some hot actions from Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. I would also like to note that if Legolas fought Achilies, I would cheer for Legolas. Mostly because Legolas will live for another few thousand years if he wins, but Achilies is a mortal. Overall, I would rate the movie a 7, and Brad Pitt a 10.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Real Resolution 2011: Health/Fitness

Just in time for Chinese New Year ;)

Goal: Reduce joint pain. Number 1 priority.
Benefits: More time for basketball. Better quality of sleep. Life would be nice.

1.Proper posture when doing work. Back must be comfortable at all times. Adjust chair/switch location if necessary.
2. Take more study breaks to perform stretches for neck and back
3. Wear long johns when it's freezing outside! Stock up if necessary.
4. Strengthen Quad, Hammies, and Back to fix muscle imbalance. The following will be my new workout routine

Regime A:

1.Warmup: Dynamic stretching
2.PRECOR machines at the Athletic centre 15 min at a high resistance
3a.Pullups 3Xfailure
3b.Hamstring curls: 3X12
(Supersets with 90sec rest in btw)
4. Team USA Abs workout. 3 sets

Regime B:
1. Warmup: Dynamic Stretching
2. Cable push & hold 3X10
2a.Crossover stepups
2b.Inverted Rows Alternate, 3X12
3. Triceps ISO: 3X12
4. Pushup on Ball 3 X failure
(Optional: 10 min Light jog to cool down)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Typography about language

What I find fascinating about North American culture: it's 'uncool' to firmly believe in what you're say and know what you are talking about...It seems like taking a stance is frowned upon.

I like to be definitive in my writing and speech. And my high school English teacher always leave comments on my essays "strong". I didn't pay much attention to it back then.

Well this poet wrote a great peace. We use phrases like...kinda...could... Being vague is quite common-place. Thought I'd share this little piece. Great video, great delivery by the speaker...just, like, watch. know what im sayin'?

Thursday, January 20, 2011


To get the right answer in schools, you have to make assumptions...

Fig.1 Iron-ball technique at work.  Weak spot? Think again
When you get in a habit of making assume things about things work...eventually reality is going to hit.

Assuming things in school works, because we are trying to find a solution to a problem.  Sometimes we have to give a definitive answer to our bosses.  To arrive at that answer we have to use models, assumptions, theories....

 However, applying assumptions on people is not going to get us anywhere...we are dynamic!! things change all the time...people form new habits, meet new people and take up new interests.  We evolve! All 6.7 billion of us.