Sorry Mom, I wasn`t able to get a high GPA at U of T. But it`s okay, I`ll get bailed out by my Profs. They`ll give me 3.5 GPA and a great research position. Surely I'm talented and whatever I touch turns into gold!
Sorry Professor, I really didn`t mean to ruin your research by breaking the heat exchangers. At the time, they looked like the perfect piece for getting a couple extra pullups into my daily routine! Surely the Department of Chemical Engineering has enough money to bail us out?
Sorry boss, I really didn't mean to lose control of my emotions at the negotiations on Monday. I understand that the company has suffered tremendously because of my mistake. Before you fire me, surely your company can give me a month stipend for the next 5 years? It's for my family!!!
Sorry lower and middle-class citizens, I really didn`t mean to sell our grandchildren`s future to India and China. I understand that hard-working people and their families all over the world has suffered tremendously because of my mistakes. But let me be clear! Before I retire in Hawaii, I'd like to to announce that Goldman Sachs will be in charge for the next three centuries and that we will give the keys to Who-To-Bomb-in-The-Middle-East to France!
Damn it feels good to have democracy...
[Intermission, taking a break from the rant]
Alright now that I`ve gotten my sarcastic hissy-fit out of the way...Having finished the movie and gotten some rest: I`m here to share some thoughts.
Equality. Class. Democracy. What a veil, an illusion that schools and governments try to promote. I admit that I once was a fool to think that I had the same political power as the rich neighbour next to me. But living in Oakville for 4 and a half years has taught me a few things about political power. From student council elections in high the way our town rallied to fight off the power the guy called Max Khan that campaigned door-to-door in order to fulfill his desire to become counsellor in our Ward...
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Julius Caesar`s quote reflects upon a primitive part of human nature. What I found fascinating about the Enron scandal is how human systems failed. In the movie, politicians speak of `checks and balances`. Well, no matter how `safe` a system is perceived to be, it`ll still be designed by humans. As such, any system is corruptible because everyone has a price.
Think about it. We all have a price. We may clutch onto our self-inflated sense of moral superiority. But every one of us has a price. Guess the only thing left to say is...
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